Uttam School for Girls

Uttam School for Girls held its Class Day event for grades VIII, IX, and XI.

Uttam School for Girls held its Class Day event for grades VIII, IX, and XI.

Parents of Grade XI students were provided with information about the curriculum, assessments, college entrance examinations, and the school’s procedures for the upcoming Grade XII session.

Parents of Grades VIII and IX received a curriculum and school procedures briefing for the next session too.
The student body then took center stage. Grade XII presented a captivating “Spring Symphony” performance, blending music and dance. Grades VIII and IX showcased the unique cultures of Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh, offering a glimpse into India’s rich tapestry.

The day culminated in a showcase of student skills followed by an insightful “Tea Talks” session led by the counselor. This session explored strategies for building connections with adolescents, managing anxiety and stress, and concluded by recommending a valuable resource book.

It was a day filled with inspiration and growth for all!