Uttam School for Girls

Astronomy Club

Astronomy Club

Our Group of Explorers

The universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere always fascinates the young learners and the Astronomy Club has been a great platform for them to explore and understand the treasures of the universe. This club has immense hands-on learning opportunities in the field of Astronomy and Space Science for students. It is interactive and discussion-based where students freely share their ideas and opinions related to the realms of the universe. The club sessions accelerate their thinking abilities and question the why and how’s of this magical world. It gives opportunities to students to work together building various skills like communication, critical thinking, time-management, collaboration and problem-solving. Working together also helps them analyse and resolve conflicts and come up with a desired creation. These indeed are part of the life-skills the students learn to face the challenges of the real-world and the Astronomy club activities help them explore these skills in them and also learn a few more.

This club also gives students an opportunity to learn about the rigorous physical demands needed to become an astronaut. They learn by undergoing the various tests that the astronauts go through as part of their training in the form of games that they thoroughly enjoy. The hand-eye coordination test through throwing a ball in a bucket, balancing test by balancing objects on head or on a spoon and lung-capacity test through games are some of the most enjoyable ways of learning by doing. It helps students understand and value the efforts needed to achieve a goal in life.

Handling sensitive instruments like telescopes, metal detectors and colour mixing apparatus gives students immense knowledge about these instruments and the role they play in astronomy. It also helps them to critically analyse the various parts of these instruments and the role they play in the working of the same. Observing the sun and planets and knowing more about them garners greater appreciation for these celestial bodies among students. It helps them to compare and differentiate the features and origin of these celestial bodies. It makes them recognize the importance and role of Science in exploring and understanding the universe.

This club also gives students an opportunity to learn by building small versions of rockets and creating shadows to understand eclipses and delve into the magic of light to understand formation of a rainbow, the glistening water of seas and oceans at night and many more. This gives them answers to questions about many real-life scenarios that they see around.

An interesting aspect of this club that fascinates the students is the opportunity to interact with experts that include astronomers, astronauts, space system engineers and educationists. It gives them first-hand experience of the work they do and its significance in the field of science and education. It helps to enhance their interpersonal skills including speaking, listening and questioning skills. Students also get to opt for Astronomy and Space Science Camp where they observe the various celestial bodies and constellations. Learning about the various human space explorations help them understand their importance in understanding the universe and its history along with the need to enhance technology and create better ways to expand the field of exploration. With advancement in technology, virtual observatory tours have become a boon for the students and they enjoy exploring the real telescopes and other equipment related to astronomy.

The take away kits in each session include puzzles, model creation, and informative pamphlets etc. which are thoroughly enjoyed by the students. It helps them explore beyond the session in a fun filled manner. There are various quizzes that are done during the sessions and students enjoy flaunting their badges and stickers earned.

Astronomy club is the food for the young curious minds who are forever exploring and questioning the depths of the universe.

Ms. Anjali Chandra
Department of Science